We Are Family // Pastor Nick
Download MP3My name is Nick Adams.
I get to be one of the pastors here.
If you don't know who I am,
that's my name.
We've been in the book of Hebrews,
right? Made it chapter two all
the way to chapter two.
Hebrews is so in some of the commentaries
on who they thought wrote
Hebrews and kind of the setting
and the background,
some people think it's
not just a letter,
that it was a sermon.
And so it's so thick.
It's got so much good
stuff in there.
That's why we've only made
it chapter two thus far.
We're going to go through
three verses today.
And when you really
think about them,
these three verses are part of,
I think,
everybody's story.
If you know Jesus,
if you've heard about Jesus,
and I'm excited about it.
But before I get too
far into the word,
I want to ask you how many,
like I asked the kids,
everybody's got family,
right? You like your family,
might not like them.
You might not like your
mom and your daddy,
But like,
it might have been maverick,
I don't know.
He said he liked his little
cousin and she was crazy,
Everybody, I think's got somebody
that they like,
right? Or that maybe they can count
on or maybe they go to.
It might not necessarily be
your mama or your daddy.
It might not be,
but everybody's got family
of some sort,
I titled the message we are Family.
And I wasn't born until 1990.
So this song,
I think,
came out in 1979.
But Sister Sledge,
you ever heard that song,
we are family?
I got all my sisters and me,
right? So I don't know why,
but I thought about that song.
I want to say God just
put it on my mind.
But at the end of the chorus,
they say every time,
get up,
everybody, and sing.
And when you realize what family you
can be a part of or what family you
are a part of because of Christ,
it makes me want to sing.
It makes me want to declare
his glory and his praises,
and it is overwhelming.
And I bet you I'm going to get overwhelmed
today trying to tell you about
But now every time I hear that song,
it's going to be a hymn instead of
whatever it was meant to be.
And God is more than capable
of doing that.
He can take things that weren't even
meant for him and turn them for him.
Hebrews, chapter two.
I think about my family,
and half of my family's here today,
and I can't even talk about them because
if I get to talking about them.
We get overwhelmed.
Because there's people in your family
that never give up on you,
do they?
And I wouldn't be standing up here if
it wasn't for some of these people
in my family.
It wasn't for some of y'all.
And I wouldn't have the courage to try
to get up here and tell you some
of these things if it wasn't
for my family.
And guess what?
If you are a believer in Christ,
all of you are part of my family.
Hebrews, chapter two.
If you've come any this year,
we have been in Hebrews.
In Hebrews chapter one,
God talks about Christ being God's son
and being greater than angels.
In the beginning of chapter two,
he talks about.
He warns us about not drifting away,
right? Because we know that when we get
caught up in the world and that
when we get caught up in our circumstances
and our persecution and our
trials and our suffering,
we get distracted.
Same thing was happening
to the Hebrews then.
They were thinking about
going back to Judaism,
back to the law,
because they were under such
harsh circumstances.
And so whoever the writer
of Hebrews is,
is reminding them we must listen very
carefully to the truth we have
heard, or we will drift
away from it.
So listen very carefully.
He goes on to talk about
Jesus and humanity,
right? Jesus the man,
how Christ has this close connection
between Jesus and us,
between Jesus and his people,
Do you know any other religion or God
that came down and beared the same
things you did?
You can't say that about
anybody else.
So, starting with verse
ten in chapter two,
now that we know all these things,
he says,
God, for whom and through whom
everything was made,
chose to bring many children
into glory.
And it was only right
that he should make.
It was only Fitting.
Some translations say he chose to
bring many children into glory.
You've been brought.
He chose to bring you into glory.
You understand what that means?
What did you bring?
You ever thought about that?
What do I bring to God?
Nothing. I don't have anything
that he doesn't already have.
I didn't bring nothing
to this party,
to this family.
I got nothing to offer.
That makes you feel kind of ashamed,
don't it?
Or guilty or some kind of way.
Keep listening.
It was only fitting.
It was only right that he should make
Jesus his one and only son through
his suffering,
a perfect leader,
fit to bring them into
their salvation.
So Jesus'suffering was the only
thing that was right,
that was fitting to bring
us into God's glory.
Which is the only reason we can
say we are part of his family.
And so if you are a part
of his family,
if you are a believer,
you know that,
right? But you need to be reminded all
the time because the world will
swallow you up,
spit you back out,
and you get lost and you forget,
we are family.
You are a child of God.
He has chosen you and brought you into
glory because he loves you that
much that he gave up his
one and only son,
just like the first song they sang.
For God so loved the world
that he gave us.
He gave it to us.
He brought us into it.
Jesus. And why Jesus?
Why is Jesus a perfect leader?
Why is Jesus a perfect leader?
You call him a pioneer.
You call him trailblazer.
Why? Like I said earlier,
do you know anybody else that did that
for you that came down to take on
your stuff?
Jesus. God uses the tool of suffering
to accomplish a greater purpose.
And so we see that with Jesus.
Jesus accomplished.
Look at the purpose
Jesus accomplished.
He brought us into his family
because of his suffering,
right? But we don't like suffering,
do we?
We want to be comfortable,
right? And lazy.
And guess what?
If it don't cost you anything,
it don't mean nothing to you.
And so why do you think Jesus says
some of the things he says?
Because it cost him everything.
And so when I read this next verse,
you'll begin to understand
why God is not ashamed,
why Jesus is not ashamed to call you brothers
and sisters because it cost
them everything.
And so how many of you
have suffered?
How many of you are suffering
right now?
You're going through something
right now.
Well, guess what?
That's life.
And you're going to suffer whether
you got God or whether you don't.
But God can use something
that was meant for harm,
for destruction,
and turn it for good.
And so if you are constantly trying to
avoid suffering or numb it or get
around it,
you are missing what God
can do with that.
If God can take his only son
and save the entire world,
if they would just believe,
imagine what he can do with your
suffering if you would let him.
So apart from God,
guess what?
Your suffering is wasted.
So you know you're going to suffer
with or without God.
Life's tough,
right? I would much rather go through
life with God by my side and using
my suffering for something greater
than to go through it alone.
What does he promise over and over and
over throughout the Old Testament
and Jesus throughout the new,
what does he say?
Over and over and over?
He says it to Moses,
he says it to Joshua,
he says it to David,
he says it over and over and
over I will be with you.
I will not forsake you.
I will never leave you.
But what do we want?
We want a Christianity
that benefits us,
right? What can you do for me?
I come to church because
I want the blessings,
right. And you don't realize
you're missing.
And the reason Jesus is the perfect
leader is because he went first to
show us how to use our suffering
for a greater purpose.
That's why he's a perfect leader and
not perfect in that something was
imperfect. But if you look up
the greek word for perfect,
I don't remember what it says
or how to pronounce it.
But that greek word for perfect is
explaining not that something was
imperfect, but that Jesus completes,
finishes, makes whole.
He is the author and finisher
of our salvation.
And not only your salvation,
but your life.
And so when you don't have Jesus
a part of your life,
you are incomplete,
you are unholy,
you are broken.
But as a believer,
guess what?
The suffering in this
life is the worst.
You're going to have it.
This is as bad as it's
ever going to be.
That's the hope we have,
right? But if you don't
have that hope,
if you don't have Jesus,
guess what?
This life is the best it's
ever going to be.
This is the best you're
ever going to get.
Can you imagine?
That was just verse ten?
A perfect leader fit to bring them into
their salvation is the last half
of that sentence in verse ten.
And I just want to say one last thing
about it before we go to verse
eleven. That is why Jesus
being the completion,
the perfect sacrifice.
That's why he says before he breathes
his last breath and he pushes up on
his nail pierced feet and he says,
it is finished.
I have completed what God,
my father has asked me to do.
I suffered and paved the way for me
and you to be a part of a family.
So now verse eleven.
So now Jesus and the ones he makes
holy have the same father.
That is why Jesus is not ashamed to
call them his brothers and sisters.
How could Jesus not
be ashamed of us?
It's a question I ask because
when I read that,
do you feel that way?
And for those of you that
do feel that way,
you've probably had an
experience with God,
right? And he's told
you and showed you.
And until you have that experience,
I wish I could put it in a bottle
and give it to you,
but I can't.
How can Jesus not be ashamed of us?
Verse ten just told us
because he's perfect.
He's the perfect leader.
He's the trailblazer.
He's the pioneer.
Isaiah 43.
I can tell you a whole story
about this verse.
I don't have time.
But when I was at one of the
lowest points of my life,
it wasn't this bible,
but it was one very similar to it.
It sat on my nightstand,
and it was a decoration.
I've told this story before,
and it had dust on it.
It was an ornament,
I believe it was.
I put my drink on it.
It was a coaster.
But God finally kept getting my attention
over and over and over.
And I flipped open my bible
and landed about halfway.
And guess what it landed on.
Isaiah, Chapter 43,
very top of the page.
And this is what it reads.
And I'm asking God,
how do I quit doing what
I know is bad for me?
What I know harms me?
Why do I keep going back to that sin
that I know isn't going to satisfy
me, does not make me
whole and complete?
What do I do,
God? And so I flip open the Bible,
and I read this verse,
and it says,
but now listen.
The Lord who created you,
o Israel,
the one who formed you,
says, do not be afraid,
for I have ransomed you.
I have called you by my name,
and you are mine.
And when you go through deep waters,
I will be with you.
When you go through rivers
of difficulty,
you will not drown.
And when you walk through
the fire of oppression,
you will not be burned up.
The flames will not consume you.
For I am the Lord,
your God,
the holy one of Israel,
your savior.
Jesus is not ashamed
of you because God,
from the beginning,
says what?
You are mine.
I created you.
I formed you.
I knew you before you were
in your mother's womb.
What psalm 139 says,
and Jesus isn't ashamed
of you because why?
He came to do the will
of his father,
and he gave up his right for us.
John 1513.
There is no greater love than to lay
down one's life for one's friend.
It's exactly what Jesus did.
For there's no greater love.
I think there's a bunch
of mamas in here,
but when you child,
you ever had a child,
you got older kids,
or maybe you got teenagers
right now,
and they don't listen,
and they've gone astray.
They've left,
and they're wayward,
When you have a child,
something changes.
And God says,
children are a blessing
unto the Lord.
Until I had a child,
I didn't really ever understand
what that verse meant.
But when you have that baby and you're
holding them in your hand,
you get just a piece of that wholeness
of how much God loves you.
And no matter where you
go and what you do,
God doesn't stop loving you.
And so when your kids get older and
they rebel and they leave and they
don't listen to you,
do you stop loving them?
No matter how much dumb stuff I did,
no matter how far I
got away from God,
I could always call my family.
I could always call my mom.
I could always call my brother,
and they would remind me who I am.
And there ain't no better
family to be a part of.
And maybe you don't have a mom
or a dad or a brother.
But guess what?
When you're a part of God's family,
there will be people there
that will remind you.
No matter how far you go,
God love for you does not change.
And that he will get your attention
in ways nobody else can.
And that if you would just surrender
and die like our perfect pioneer
trailblazer leader that Jesus was,
if you would just follow
his example,
your whole life will change.
And then last part.
Last verse.
This is what will happen,
verse twelve says,
for he said to God,
I will proclaim your name to
my brothers and sisters.
I will praise you among
your assembled people.
He's quoting psalm 22:
And that's David.
So if you go read that psalm
right before that.
Right before psalm 22 22,
this is what David says.
And David's on the run,
running from Saul.
Saul's trying to kill him.
David's writing these prayers
and just crying out to God,
rescue me from a violent death.
Spare my precious life
from these dogs.
Snatch me from the lion's jaws and from
the horns of these wild oxen.
Then this is verse 22,
what the hebrew writer quotes.
Then I will declare the wonder of your
name to my brothers and sisters,
and I will praise you among
all your people.
Y'all remember when you got saved.
You remember when you got baptized?
You remember how it made you feel because
you were close to God and you
wanted to tell people,
right? You wanted to praise him.
You wanted to declare,
I can't help but tell people
because God redeemed me.
He ransomed me.
He bought me.
Verse 13.
He also said,
I will put my trust in him.
That is why I and the children
God has given me.
That is I and the children
God has given me.
So then he quotes Isaiah,
chapter eight.
And this is how Isaiah
says it in verse 17.
I will wait for the Lord to help us.
My only hope is in him.
I and the children.
The Lord has given me.
Have names.
Guess what Isaiah means.
The Lord will save the
whole old testament.
All those people.
David, Isaiah,
Jeremiah, Moses.
All those people were a picture.
What is a picture?
Picture is a sign.
What does a sign do?
Points you to something,
They're all pointing Jesus.
I will wait for the Lord to help.
My only hope is in him.
So my question to you,
challenge to you.
He has given me.
Right? That was what the hebrew
writer says in verse 13.
I and the children.
He has given me.
God has given you what?
He's given you an opportunity,
right? He's given you Jesus.
What are you going to do with it?
What are you doing with.
It's been a couple months.
Last thing I'll say,
it's been a couple months now.
But Miss Maryanne Lane died
a couple months ago.
And she wanted a hymn played.
And the title of the hymn is
"What Will You Do With
And Jesus?".ever since then,
and I'm not big on hymns,
but I can't forget it.
I can't forget.
What are you going to do with Jesus?
Ask yourself that.
And if you've done something
with him,
let's say you've been saved.
You are a believer.
You are part of this family.
Are you declaring his name and singing
his praises because you are so
close to him that you can't help it?
You can't help it.
And if you're not,
be reminded.
And remember that Jesus
is not ashamed of you.
And calls you a brother and a sister.
You're a child of God.
I have called you by my name.
You are mine.
Do you know anybody else
that does that,
that loves you that way?
Maybe you haven't felt
it or experienced it.
You can for the believer,
be encouraged.
Remember, this is as bad as
it's ever going to be.
If you don't know Jesus,
or you don't believe,
or you're not following.
This is as good as it's
ever going to be.
And there's nothing more depressing
than realizing that.
Than knowing Jesus was the captain.
I think King James version
uses captain of our faith.
Is Jesus the captain
of your salvation?
Is he the captain of your life?
Or are you trying to be
captain Salvation?
He has given me.
What are you going to do with it?
Let's pray.
God, thank you for letting me
be a part of your family.
Thank you for Jesus and him
not only paving the way,
dear Lord,
providing the way for paying for me,
dear Lord,
for saving God.
I can't wrap my mind around it.
But I love being able to try,
Dear Lord,
and to see just how much you love us.
And, dear Lord,
I pray if there's anybody in this room
that hasn't experienced that love,
that they will just ask.
And for those of us that have
and need to be reminded,
dear Lord,
help us to step out in faith,
dear Lord,
and do something about it
and put it into action.
Dear Lord.
And to know that because
we are your children,
you will meet us there.
Dear Lord,
I just pray that as we
sing this last song,
dear Lord,
that you would soften hearts,
that you would provoke people to come
to you because you have called them
by their name and they are yours.
And thank you for that promise.
I love you.